

BHARC Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) provide timely insights into current research, trends, and thought leadership in the behavioral health field. Whether the topic is the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on anxiety, depression, and substance use disorders; research on adolescent mental health; or strategies to address opioid use disorders in women; BHARC SMEs bring the information and resources that the behavioral health community needs.

Black History Month Black History month is an opportunity to celebrate the...
As symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression are increasing during the global COVID-19 pandemic, people may be exploring technology-based strategies to relieve symptoms and to...
The global COVID-19 pandemic has had profound social, economic, and health effects. A recent study found that 56% of U.S. adults reported that worry or stress related to the pandemic has caused them to...
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is often referred to as the hidden substance use disorder (SUD). With alcohol use legal and socially acceptable in many settings, the symptoms of AUD may...
PTSD Awareness Day The National Center for PTSD promotes awareness of PTSD...